Saturday, April 13, 2013


"It's your kindness Lord, that leads me to repentance, you favor Lord is our desire."

This song has been in my head the last two days.  I find myself singing this particular line over and over, although when I looked up the lyrics I learned I had been singing it wrong.  Oh well!

"It's your kindness Lord, that leads me to repentance, you favor Lord is our desire."

I was thinking about which word I would choose to write about that began with the letter "K" (and yes, I know this entry is a day late but I am oKay with that!) and I decided to write about kindness.  So for two days I have been thinking about kindness and it has brought a smile to my face.  Even the thought of kindness is a blessing.  I wonder if that's where the popular expression "It's the thought that counts." comes from.  I bet it is.  Kindness is gentle and corrective.  Kindness is best when it is an unexpected kindness, but it is good all the time.  Kindness communicates that I want the best for you and I care about you.  Kindness softens the hardness of this world and brings healing where hurt exists.  When I think about the expression "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." it occurs to me that you can be kind to the horse.  You can gently stroke his mane, shoo away the flies and love up on that horse without forcing the horse to do anything.

Another popular expression that comes to mind is to "Kill 'em with kindness!" which basically means that kindness has some power in neutralizing an enemy position.  I saw a movie (sorry, can't remember the name) where two military units were on the front lines of battle and killing one another.  As soldiers, destroying the enemy was their job.  On Christmas Eve, both sides were reminiscing about past holidays and more pleasant times when a man from one side began softly singing Christmas Carols.  He had an exquisite voice and as he increased in volume, his comrades urged him to stop lest his voice reveal their position.  He did not stop.  Instead, he sang louder and slowly walked toward the enemy front lines.  At the halfway point, he stopped walking but continued singing and blessed the enemy with his gift of voice.  During a moment of pause, an enemy soldier joined him in chorus.  By the end of the scene, both sides were singing and drinking together as if they were old friends and not national enemies.  The movie goes on to tell how that night, that moment of courageous kindness, impacted the ending of the war.    

As people living in an often unkind world where ugly battles can be part of daily living, we can be kind and create the world that we want to live in.

"It's your kindness Lord, that leads me to repentance, you favor Lord is our desire."

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