Friday, April 5, 2013


Expectation is a powerful word.  For a very long time in my life, nobody expected anything of excellence (another "e" word) to come from me.  I was given low standards and became very bored with life.  Without expectation, there was no direction to grow.  When I did reach beyond even the most basic expectations, I was never praised for a job well done.  My life became mediocre and I never sought to cultivate meaningful change.  Expectation dwindled away and almost became extinct.

Today is very different.  My life expectations are now global in nature.  I no longer am trapped in minuscule thinking or defined by anyone other than a Sovereign Lord who repeatedly reminds me that all things are possible.  I think beyond my own body and household.  I think beyond my zip code and state.  I think beyond my nation and expect that the world will be changed because I am here.  Yes, you read that right.  I expect to influence the world with my life.      


  1. Amen and great post! So glad you grew out of way too humbling beginnings and learned what real joy and the best expectations are about. God bless!

    Spunky's Soldier, A-Z Challenge Writer’s Mark

  2. Good luck! The world needs more good influences :)
    A-Z :)
